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Rodríguez Statement Regarding Senate Redistricting Map

Office of Senator José Rodríguez—May 17th, 2011

Today, State Senator José Rodríguez released the following statement regarding the passage of Senate Bill 31, the Texas Senate redistricting map:

“During the past ten years, our state has had minority population growth of nearly 90%, yet this map reduces the number of minority-majority districts from fifteen to twelve.

“Today I reluctantly cast my vote in support of the Texas Senate redistricting map, as it is my belief that Tarrant County’s Senate District 10 under this plan clearly violates the Voting Rights Act and will harm minorities in both North Texas and across our state.

“Many of my colleagues were shut out of the process, having no say in how their districts were drawn. As a result, the voice of minorities will be muted in many districts across this state.

“I am greatly concerned about the dismantling of Senate District 10, which will result in the reduction of minority voting strength. The changes to Senate District 10 are not only retrogressive, but will likely put the entire map at risk due to requirements outlined by the Voting Rights Act.

“I cast my vote in support of the map, because if not passed by the legislative body, the district lines will be drawn by the Legislative Redistricting Board, with minimal input from legislators, making the process even more exclusive. Additionally, I am pleased that the map unifies El Paso County into a single district.”

In response to the passage of today’s map and the concerns regarding Senate District 10, Senate Democrats signed onto a letter outlining their concerns with the process and the disenfranchisement of minorities.