Email Updates

Remembering at Easter

April 21st, 2011

Easter is a time of renewal, when we are reminded of the need to care for our families, our friends, and those less fortunate and to do as Jesus said, to “love thy neighbor as thyself.” Read More »

A Valuable Partnership

April 14th, 2011

This week we work to strengthen our valuable partnership with Mexico, and oppose anti-immigrant policies that drive a wedge between our two nations. Read More »

Fighting for El Paso

April 7th, 2011

It has been a busy week in the Capitol; While two important bills impacting El Paso passed the Senate, a devastating version of the state budget has passed out of the House. Read More »

Cesar Chavez Day

March 31st, 2011

As we celebrate César Chávez Day today, let’s remember the ideals Chávez fought for: protecting the rights of working people, and proving greater economic and educational opportunities to all people. Let’s not continue vilifying Texas’ migrant community at the expense of our safety, economic prosperity, and our children’s education. Read More »

Education in the Spotlight

March 24th, 2011

This week, I join El Paso educators in facing Texas’ financial crisis head-on. On Thursday, I will address El Paso educators at the 18th Annual Bilingual Educators Emphasizing and Mastering Standards (BEEMS) Conference at UTEP. Read More »

El Pasoans Solving Problems

March 17th, 2011

I am very pleased to announce that the District 29 Advisory Committee had its first meeting on March 5th. Attendees promptly formed subcommittees on Education, Health, the Environment & Renewable Energy, and Job Creation/Reducing Poverty. Chairs were also elected by the various subcommittees. Next steps include developing strategies for addressing relevant legislation, attracting more participants, and selecting vice-chairs and secretaries. Read More »

Join Me Against Promoting Border Violence!

March 10th, 2011

Yesterday, I called on the Texas Agricultural Commissioner to take down a website which encourages violent vigilantism in our border communities. Commissioner Todd Staples’ website,, uses state resources to incorrectly portray crime in Texas border towns and cities, and provide a forum for individuals to promote violent private militias. Read More »

We Must Empower, Not Set Back!

Office of Senator José Rodríguez—March 3rd, 2011

In tough financial times, Texas must give its most vulnerable citizens the tools they need to be productive members of society. That’s why this week I proudly joined disabilities advocates from El Paso and across the state in telling state legislators they cannot cut services to disabled Texans. See photos from the gathering Read More »

El Paso Comes to Austin

Office of Senator José Rodríguez—February 24th, 2011

The long work weeks in the Texas Legislature are much easier to handle when you can see folks from home. Last week I was so happy and proud to welcome El Paso civic and business leaders to the Texas Capitol for “El Paso Days.” Read More »

Harsh Freeze, Harsh State Cuts

Office of Senator José Rodríguez—February 10th, 2011

Winter has hit El Paso and I don’t know about you, but I have had my fill. Last week’s blackouts and the water emergency that continued through this week put a strain on our community. Read More »