Government & Ethics
Across the nation, including in El Paso, public corruption has grown like a cancer and tested the will of citizens to reign in those who spread it.
“Pay to play “in the government procurement process, gifts, and other undue influences contribute to weak government, economic loss, uneven playing fields, and public loss of trust and confidence that undermine the values and strength of our democratic process.
José gained a reputation for honesty and ethical public service. He also worked with others to enact of historic ethics legislation that allows counties to regulate and punish unethical conduct in county government. He will continue to work to strengthen ethics laws to maintain public trust in their local and state government.
In the 82nd Legislature, José authored the following legislation:
•Public information: Clarifies that an Attorney General request is not necessary to redact driver’s license numbers and credit card numbers from responses to public information act requests. [Senate Bill 602*]
•School trustee finance reports: Requires school district board of trustees campaign finance reports to be posted on the internet.** [House Bill 336]
•County Ethics Commission: Updates requirements for El Paso’s county ethics commission, including staggering the terms of commissioners’ terms and clarifying “whistleblower” provisions.** [House Bill 2002]
•Hospital district board appointments: Prohibits the appointment of a person to the El Paso Hospital District board of hospital managers who is an employee of El Paso County, a hospital district employee, or related within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity to a member of the commissioners court.** [House Bill 3462*]
Government & Ethics News and Statements
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