
“As president of the El Paso Council of Higher Education, I wholeheartedly support Mr. Jose Rodriguez for the Texas Senate. Mr. Rodriguez fought for his educational opportunities his whole life, from being a migrant farm worker to graduating from law school. He is aware of the many shortcomings in our K-12 and higher education systems. Mr. Rodriguez met with El Paso Council of Higher Education and supports many of the bold and progressive educational ideas brought to him by El Paso Community College and University of Texas at El Paso professors. Education drives the future of Texas. Mr. Rodriguez will fight for educators as he himself fought for his education. As Texas Senator, he will truly be a friend to education in Austin. He has unanimously won the endorsement of the El Paso Council of Higher Education in addition to the endorsements of the Texas Faculty Association and the National Education Association. Please support Mr. Rodriguez on November 2nd.” — Michael Coulehan, President of the El Paso Council of Higher Education - the local affiliate of the Texas Faculty Association and the National Education Association.

“The person that represents us in Austin is most important because they are our face and our voice. We are far from Austin so we have to send our best. In my opinion, Jose Rodriguez is that person. He knows us and understands our needs. With his excellent record of public service, he has the knowledge and experience that the position demands. He also knows the players and the statewide political arena to ensure we don’t lose any ground. Jose is ready to start on Day One.” — Former County Judge Alicia R. Chacon

“Above all else, Jose is a compassionate person who cares deeply about his community. During his tenure as County Attorney, he developed numerous programs that reflect his concern for all El Paso’s residents. With his professional capacity, his problem-solving skills, and the ability to bring people together, I can only envision what he can accomplish as State Senator.” — Queta Fierro, Former Chair, El Paso County Democratic Party