Senator Rodríguez statement on federal court rejection of Texas Voter ID law

Senator José Rodríguez today released the following statement regarding the United States District Court for the District of Columbia’s rejection of the Texas Voter ID law:

“Today’s decision to block Texas’ voter ID law will ensure that the voices of Hispanic voters across El Paso, West Texas, and our state, will not be ignored as a result of highly partisan attempts to deny them the right to vote. This is a clear message that the state ought to stop trying to pass unconstitutional laws that infringe on the rights of Texas minorities, especially the millions of Hispanics in our state.

“Once again state leaders were unable to prove that the Voter ID law would not adversely impact minority voters. As the Department of Justice correctly argued, Hispanic registered voters, in particular, are less likely to have photo identification or the ability to acquire photo identification because of obstacles, such as the lack of transportation. This is why I voted against passage of the law.

“This has gone on for too long already. With the court’s rejection this week of the state’s redistricting proposals, it is clear that continued assaults on our cherished right to vote are unconstitutional and a distraction from the vital governance issues we face.

“I urge General Abbott not to spend taxpayer dollars on a lengthy and expensive appeals process in defense of a law targeting minority and elderly voters. Let us move forward and focus on the real problems facing our state — underfunded public schools, the highest rate of uninsured in the nation, and a crumbling infrastructure system.”


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