Jobs & Economic Development

State Senator José Rodríguez is working to expand El Paso’s economy by supporting development of new, emerging industries that will provide high tech, high wage, environmentally clean jobs, such as the growing health care industry, defense related industry attracted by the expansion of Fort Bliss, and a viable alternative energy industry. José will also support development of public and private job training programs including apprenticeship programs; payment of prevailing wage rates in public works projects; and livable wages for all workers. [Read a report on José's 2010 Community Forum on Increasing Job Opportunities & Reducing Poverty]

To help the District 29 State Senate office create legislative proposals José has established the Jobs & Economic Development Advisory Committee.

This committee was formed in February, 2012. This committee continues the work begun by the Advisory Committee on Increasing Jobs & Eliminating Poverty, which had several meetings in 2011. The meetings held in 2011 focused on reinforcing the pathways to successful jobs and careers. The committee also discussed financial literacy and various financial literacy training modules.

The committee was restructured in February of 2012 into two distinct groups to better reflect Senator Rodríguez’s priorities. The Green Jobs committee will focus on jobs created by the renewable energy sector while the Heritage Tourism committee will capitalize on the community’s extensive historical assets.

Green Jobs

Chair: to be determined

Staffed by: Cecilia Rodriguez

Meeting Dates: To better leverage the work of both committees, the Green Jobs committee will meet immediately following the Renewable Energy committee meetings, which take place on the first Saturday of every month from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Meeting Location: Senate district office (100 N. Ochoa St., Suite A, El Paso, TX 79901)

Areas of Interest: strengthen existing relationships between private sector companies working in renewable energy and training programs at EPCC, labor unions, and other institutions.

Special Projects for 2012: to be determined


Heritage Tourism

Chair: Carmen Rodríguez

Staffed by: Corinne Chacón

Meeting Date: to be determined

Meeting Location: Meetings are held at various locations. Please contact Ms. Corinne Chacón at (915) 351-3500 for updates on locations.

Areas of Interest: advocate for cohesive and comprehensive preservation and promotion of the community’s extensive historical and cultural assets

Special Projects for 2012: to be determined