Senator Rodríguez files “Texas Way” legislation to increase access to private health insurance


USTIN – Senator José Rodríguez filed Senate Bill 1039, which would provide a more effective alternative to expansion of the traditional Medicaid program. In addition to providing access to private health insurance for more than 1 million low-wage working Texans, including 50,000 military veterans, SB 1039 would be a more effective use of state and local taxpayer dollars.

The Texas Way will provide access to private health insurance so that low-wage working Texans can access primary and preventive care rather than relying on hospital emergency departments for acute care. It will also provide a transparent process to assess the impact of reduced uncompensated care costs on local property taxes that currently pay for about $1 billion of indigent health care services. Employers and those who purchase private health insurance will also benefit.

“Access to health care is a very important issue for my constituents in El Paso and Far West Texas, and for millions of Texans statewide. During the past year, the Senate Hispanic Caucus held six regional summits across the state. We heard over and over from hard-working Texas families that access to affordable health care is a huge priority, and more than that, a necessity. That’s why I filed SB 1039,” said Senator Rodríguez.

“Texas hospitals applaud Senator Rodríguez for introducing SB 1039 to develop a Texas Way forward to increasing the number of Texans with private health insurance coverage,” said Ted Shaw, President/CEO of the Texas Hospital Association. “The senator’s leadership on this important economic issue is to be commended. With SB 1039, more than 1 million low-wage working Texans could purchase private health insurance and access appropriate primary and preventive care rather than relying on hospital emergency departments for acute care.

Texas has the highest uninsured rate in the nation, with nearly one in four (six million) Texans who lack health insurance. Among these are 1 million Texans, most of whom are working and earning a paycheck, but their jobs either do not offer health insurance as an employment benefit or it’s offered at a price too high for low-wage earners.

The Texas Way will:

  • Aggressively manage chronic diseases;
  • Require personal accountability for health and wellness;
  • Create a coverage option through small-employer subsidies to encourage Texas small businesses to offer health insurance as an employee benefit;
  • Create a transparent local process to evaluate the potential reduction in property tax burden;
  • Subsidize coverage in the private market based on an individual’s ability to pay;
  • Require health savings accounts and/or point-of- service cost-sharing for individuals to incentivize the appropriate use of medical care and wellness;
  • Include incentives to work; and
  • Impose financial penalties for inappropriate use of hospital ERs for non-emergent care.


José Rodríguez represents Texas Senate District 29, which includes the counties of El Paso, Hudspeth, Culberson, Jeff Davis, and Presidio. He represents both urban and rural constituencies, and more than 350 miles of the Texas-Mexico border. Senator Rodríguez currently serves as the Chairman of the Senate Hispanic Caucus, and is a member of the Senate Committees on Education; Health and Human Services; Veteran Affairs and Military Installations; Nominations; and Agriculture, Water, and Rural Affairs.


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