Via El Paso Times: “While we are all concerned about people not being back at work, people struggling to make ends meet, the economy continuing to suffer, the question is: Do we prematurely open our economy at the tremendous risk to people’s lives? That’s the question,” Rodríguez said. “I know the governor keeps on talking and others talk about striking a balance, and that’s why he wants to do this in phases, but it’s a hell of a risk.”
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Via LA Times: “We could build an Old El Paso that would be unique,” said José Rodriguez, a Texas state senator who served as El Paso County attorney for 17 years. “It has Chinese history, Chicano history, Mexican Revolution history, Old West history. This could be an economic development where everyone would win.”
Via KTSM: “Due to the increased spread of COVID-19, we urge ICE and CBP to coordinate with local governments, public health agencies, hospitals and other area stakeholders to plan for both the release of non-violent detainees as well as protocols for spread of COVID-19 within your facilities,” says the letter signed by five state representatives and state Sen. Jose Rodriguez, D-El Paso, who shared it with the public.
The city has approved the demolition of eight properties in the Duranguito neighborhood in preparation for El Paso’s $180 million Downtown arena. A discussion over whether to cut the proposed Multipurpose Performing Arts and Entertainment Center proved contentious as residents …
Via El Paso Times: “I strongly support the executive orders issued last Thursday, but it is apparent that many are not heeding those orders, and further action is needed to help mitigate the effects of COVID-19 in our state,” Rodríguez said a separate letter to the governor.
El Paso - The Senate District 29 LGBTQ Advisory Committee will host Out @f the Box, an open mic night to celebrate National Coming Out Day, from 6-9 p.m. Thursday at Glasbox, 210 Poplar. National Coming Out Day is …