Coronavirus Update 4.2.20: NEW Stay Home orders, local testing and health care
Dear friend:
Last night, the City and County updated their “Stay Home, Work Safe” orders. Generally, all residents are directed to stay at home, and all public and private gatherings are prohibited. No one may congregate in any recreational area or facility, park, pool, or golf course. Travel is restricted to approved activities. Anyone returning from travel of 100 miles or more outside the City must self-quarantine for 14 days. [City Order] [County Order]
Put simply, everyone should limit their contact with those in their household (or in their workplace if they work at an essential business) and to travel for basic necessities like food, medications, gas, and banks.
This pandemic is unlike anything we have dealt with in our lifetimes. Aside from limiting our contact with others, one of the most important things we can do is share accurate and timely information.
To that end, my staff has developed a Community Resources Guide with links to official sources of information such as the El Paso Public Health Department and the Texas Department of State Health Services. It also contains local resources for students’ education and food needs, suggestions for things to do with children, and other items.
I will be sending occasional newsletters highlighting portions of this document, which we update regularly. Today, we highlight testing, services available from various health care providers, and volunteer opportunities.
Local Providers and Testing
If you develop symptoms or feel sick, call your primary care physician to see if you should be screened for COVID-19.
If you do not have a primary care physician or are uninsured, call:
• (915) 212-6843 or (915) 21-COVID from 7 am to 8 pm on Mon-Fri, and from 10 am to 6 pm from Sat-Sun, or
• 2-1-1 and select option six for referral to a health care provider.
As of Tuesday, the following criteria is being used to identify those who qualify for drive thru testing:
• First responders and health care workers with symptoms
• Persons 65 years of age or older with symptoms
• Persons any age with symptoms and an underlying medical conditions
• Individuals evaluated by their medical provider and provided with a lab order through Quest Diagnostics
If you qualify, call (915) 212-0783 to make an appointment.
You will not be asked for your citizenship or immigration status. Drive thru testing is available Mon-Sat from 7 am to 5 pm.
Texas Tech University Health Science Center and Centro San Vicente provide integrated primary and preventive care, including behavioral health, and are currently providing COVID-19 screening and testing.
NON-COVID-19 Healthcare Resources
Community Health Centers
For non-COVID-19 health services, contact your primary care physician by phone. If you do not have one, you may contact Project Vida or UMC by phone to make an appointment.
Behavioral Health Services
• Texas Health and Human Services Commission has launched a 24/7 statewide mental health support line to help Texans experiencing anxiety, stress or emotional challenges due to COVID-19. The service is available to everyone in Texas. Call toll-free at (833) 986-1919.
• Emergence Health Network provides services for mental health, developmental disability, and related conditions for the people of El Paso County.
• The El Paso Child Guidance Center continues to accept children (ages 2 and older) and families for mental health services and has openings available. EPCGC accepts Medicaid, some private insurances, and offers sliding scale. Call (915) 562-1999 to schedule an appointment or for more info.
• Aliviane continues to offer SUD services for individuals in recovery. For assistance you may call (915) 782-4000.
• Project Vida offers telepsych services with their adult and child/adolescent psychiatrists and licensed (LCSW/LPC) therapists. Substance Use Disorder Peer Recovery Services, and is available to insured and uninsured alike without regard to ability to pay. Call (915) 533-7057 to schedule.
Victims of Domestic Violence
Center Against Sexual and Family Violence / Centro en Contra de la Violencia Sexual y Familiar will not turn away clients who are seeking shelter during this time of social isolation. Call (915) 593-7300 if you are facing sexual or family violence require support or assistance.
Reproductive Health Services
Planned Parenthood currently offers urgent health services. Schedule pain/infection exams, suspected breast mass exam, emergency contraception, Depo Provera birth control and PrEP/PEP HIV prevention. Birth control is available via PPDirect telemedicine for patients 18 and older for pills/patch/ring. STI screening and treatments, and transgender patient appointments are also available.
• If you are healthy and able to follow all CDC guidelines, volunteer at the El Pasoans Fighting Hunger food bank. Register for a shift here or donate here.
• Community blood drives at schools, companies and other organizations account for more than 50% of the blood collected. As these drives are canceled, we need your help to ensure patients get the blood products they need especially during this critical time. Find opportunities to donate: or make an appointment at Vitalant.
• To support local non-profits in the region, donate to the Paso del Norte Community Foundation’s El Paso COVID-19 Response Fund.
• To support local food and beverage workers, donate through the Food and Beverage Workers Fund.