As County Attorney
José Rodríguez established an unequaled record of achievement as El Paso County Attorney. During his 17-year tenure, he:
Enhanced legal services to protect vulnerable citizens and prevent crime
- Increased protections for abused and neglected children and the elderly
- Improved the system for the mentally challenged
- Provided increased enforcement for victims of family violence
- Initiated community juvenile prosecution
- Created Community Safety Zones with the police to stop gang violence and transnational gang drug activity
- Established Teen Court and helped create first Drug Court
Increased County revenues and funding for jobs and economic development
- Fought for El Paso’s fair share of state highway funding in Courts of Inquiry
- Recovered millions from bail bond forfeitures, hot checks, and hospital liens
- Helped obtain funding for El Paso’s Enterprise and Empowerment Zones
- Consolidated the County’s criminal justice system with the District Attorney
- Saved over a million dollars each year on jail inmate medical bills
- Worked for apprenticeship programs and higher wages in county construction projects
- Assisted in development of county tax abatement and incentives policy
Strengthened community health and environmental quality
- Helped establish the Border Health Institute and new Veterans Home
- Worked to establish four-year Texas Tech University medical school
- Supported building of Children’s Hospital
- Fought for equity in Medicaid and CHIP funding and fair Medicaid reimbursement rates to ensure access to health care
- Helped develop County health legislative agendas
- Spearheaded enactment of colonia legislation and county building codes
- Developed health legislative agenda for Texas Border Coalition
- Recovered over $16 million for health care programs from tobacco litigation
- Established first environmental enforcement unit to fight polluters and helped create first environmental state court
- Successfully represented County against Sierra Blanca nuclear waste dump
- Worked against the re-opening of Asarco copper smelter
- Established an effective countywide anti-graffiti program
Promoted ethics in government
- Worked to establish voluntary county code of ethics
- Spearheaded enactment of historic county ethics legislation